I’m James Wilkinson

I am a second year Computer Science Student with interest in web and software development.
Have a look at some of the projects I have here on my portfolio site (which is still in development)!

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This is where I would put customer testimonials, partners and sponsors – but I yet to have any so have rick astley instead

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down…

Never gonna run around and desert you.

Here is a list of things I can do for you

Web Design

Creating a beautiful website for your business or work

Web Development

All the nitty gritty stuff to keep your site operational and secure

24/7 Support

Keeping that site working all day long

SEO Optimisation

Appear higher in search engines to generate more traffic to your business

Social Media

Get hordes of adoring fans, followers and friends

Remote Video Support

Arrange to contact me for a consultation via video call

Do you like my work? Want to get in touch? Use the form below!

Or find me on Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram